Wednesday, September 23, 2009

9-23-2009 633 Blog

So now i've 'fudged' around with Second Life a little bit, and we've talked about WWFSS? (What would Frank Smith Say?) about the first and second essential question. I would like to think more of the NOW aspects and how to move forward with my life. How do I learn NOW? At work, I learn from my co-workers, what they have to say, and how they do things. We are independent for the most part and do not share the same projects, but however we interpret the same Corporate Policies and Procedures. (Same but different) How do I learn from school? Well, our cadre is almost self run, with input from our professors. They 'stimulate' or stir the pot, and then the ingredients 'naturally' co-mingle and do their little chemical reactions then whoa-la...we have a dish. We generally try to cook at least once or twice a week. =)

We also learn from the environment, who we run into, what we see, how we interpret certain stimuli. So we do learn from each other, as well as learn from ourselves. I can sit here and 'browse' the web all by myself and learn from it. I can pick up a book, read it and learn from 'it'. Now we can say that SOMEONE wrote the book, so i'm learning from someone else...(fair to say) I guess I can 'read' instructions on how to make a paper airplane, and then eventually make one myself..or just experiment with a piece of paper, and make an airplane by's the NOW aspect of learning im interested in remember? I've learned what an airplane is, so I can 'improvise' on it.

I hope to see things in the gray, but sometimes it's not a 'bad' thing to see things as black or white. I just need to figure out when to do this and when not to.

Friday, September 18, 2009

638B Blog 9-18-2009

So with all that's going on right now in the other classes, we've finally set up a time to meet with our learning circle. Tuesdays 5:30Pm PST. I will now take a look at other's Action Research work and for now, i'll be collaborating with Scott Mortensen and Juan Flowers.

I have kept in contact with Dan Wood, from Cadre 11, so I will be taking a look at his AR project. "Building Thriving Communities of Practice with Social Learning Technologies" ( I'll need to focus on outlining a plan for my AR Project. I have an idea of what topic of interest I have, (Utilizing Wikis in the workplace to further advance collaboration) of such...

The first step is for me to develop this outline, and then the other pieces should fall into place, although I will still need to keep those objectives in the rear view mirror because it's coming up soon as well...gosh how time flies.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

633 Learning Technology Blog 9/16

I will try to create my blogs on a weekly schedule. I'll promise to make it as reflective as possible so that it's 'educational' or at least somewhat enjoyable! We just had our first meeting this past Monday. I completed 'Situated learning Legitimate peripheral participation' by Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger. I wasn't too impressed initially, but then after reading more into the experiences of the Midwives, Tailors, Quartermasters, Butchers, and Nondrinking Alcoholics, I started to understand a little more on what Lave and Wegner was talking about. By definition, (authors) they mean to draw attention to the point that learners inevitably participate in the sociocultural practices of a community. "LPP" provides a way to speak about the relations between newcomers and old-timers, and about activities, identities, artifacts, and communities of knowledge and practice.

What I got out of it was we all learn differently. Why is this important? Does this relate? Well, we talked alot this past Monday 9/14/2009 about THEORY. What is Theory? What is MY definition of theory? What is my style of learning theory. I must admit, I was using the word in a different manner than what it was supposed to be....When I say, well, in THEORY if you put gas into an automobile, it SHOULD work. Or the Cause and Effect method, etc.

Why is it called Situated learning? Is it because we learn in different situations? Like the Midwives, Butchers etc? That finally made sense to me. Each learning opportunity is unique. It's how we make the best of the opportunities. We need to be observant in different scenarios in order to 'take away' the most out of the situation. Midwives had to learn by watching, apprentices to tailors had to start out cutting templates, Quartermasters had to go step by step in their training, Butchers had to do the 'grunt' work prior to doing anything significant and finally Non-drinking alcoholics had to go through a process of telling stories, receiving support etc in order to move forward as well.

This was what I've learned this week... Do what it takes and learn from all situations, whether it's from reading a book, listening to people, reading someone's texting, responding to online posts/forums and so on and so forth. I am beginning to believe in the 'process' of reflection. As I read today: John Dewey says: ''To reflect is to look back over what has been done so as to extract the net meanings which are the capital stock for intelligent dealing with further experiences. It is the heart of intellectual organization and of the disciplined mind'' Experience and Education Pg. 87
